The LS2100e Static Starter controller is used to start a gas turbine by running the generator as a starting motor. The Static
Starter control, the Mark VIe control, and the excitation control system form an integrated static start system. The Mark VIe
control supplies the run, torque, and speed setpoint signals to the Static Starter control, which operates in a closed loop control
mode to supply variable frequency power to the generator stator. The excitation control system is controlled by the Static
Starter control to regulate the field current during startup.
The Static Starter control cabinet is a ventilated NEMA 1 freestanding enclosure made of 12-gauge sheet steel on a
rigid steel frame designed for indoor mounting.
The LS2100e Static Starter control is an adjustable speed ac drive system specifically designed to start a gas turbine generator
set. By operating the generator as a synchronous motor, the static starter accelerates the turbine set according to a specific
speed profile that provides optimum starting conditions for the gas turbine. The LS2100e control eliminates the need for
separate starting hardware, such as an electric motor or diesel engine, torque converters, and associated auxiliary equipment,
thus opening up critical space around the turbine base.
Refer to LS2100e Static Starter Control User Guide (GEH-6798).
The Mark Stat controller contains specialized firmware and application to control a GE multi-megawatt wind turbine power
conversion system.
Human-machine Interface
The Human-machine Interface (HMI) is the main operator interface to the Mark VIe control system. Current Mark VIe HMIs
are desktop computers running the Windows
7 operating system with multiple communication drivers for the redundant data
highways, WorkstationST* and ToolboxST applications, and the CIMPLICITY Advanced Viewer for the Graphical User
Interface (GUI). The operator initiates commands from the real-time graphic displays, and views real-time process data and
alarms. Detailed I/O diagnostics and system configuration is accomplished from the ToolboxST applications.
HMIs typically connect to both PDH and UDH networks.
The WorkstationST server is the hub of the system, channeling data between the UDH and the PDH, and providing data
support and system management. The server also has the responsibility for device communication for both internal and
external data interchanges. WorkstationST servers collect data on the UDH, and use the PDH to communicate with HMI
viewers. Configuration servers, Historian servers, and Alarm servers are used for large system scaling. Multiple servers can
be used to provide redundancy so that communication with the viewers continues even if one server fails.
The HMI can be configured as a server or viewer, containing tools and utility programs.
GEH-6721_Vol_I Mark VIe and Mark VIeS Control Systems Volume I
Public Information