Boolean Tokens
These symbols are used to create FlexLogic Equations. Use them as intermediate logic for the Virtual Output equations.
The display can vary from that shown here.
FlexAnalog symbol that can be used as the input to a FlexElement or use the FlexAnalog symbol to monitor an actual
value when in logic Monitoring mode
Contact Input Gate is similar to the Input symbol but is restricted to the operands associated with a Contact Input
Contact Output Gate is similar to the Input symbol but is restricted to the operands associated with a Contact Output.
The Operate and Seal-In settings can be configured graphically.
The Non-Volatile Latch is similar to the Input symbol but is restricted to the operands associated with a Non-Volatile
Latch. The Set and Reset settings can be configured graphically.
The final output of an equation is a numbered register called a virtual output. Virtual outputs can be used as an input
operand in any equation, including the equation that generates the output, as a seal-in or other type of feedback.
Place and configure a Remote Output. The UR's order code and firmware version then determine the availability of the
Remote Output.
Place and configure a Direct Output. The UR's order code and firmware version then determine the availability of the
Direct Output to another UR device.
Place and configure a Teleprotection Output. The UR's order code and firmware version then determine the availability
of the Teleprotection Output.
Place a User Programmable LED in the Logic Designer diagram
A Tag Out can be used in 1 of 2 ways. The first use of the Tag Out is to break up logic that needs to span several sheets.
The second use of the Tag Out is to associate a frequently used block of code with the Tag Out and then repeatedly use
the same block of code using a Tag In. When a Tag Out is referenced more than once, the Tag Out is replaced with a
Virtual Output during the compile phase.
Tag-In can is used to reference an existing Tag-Out. It joins another diagram to a previous diagram.