Mechanica l
The disk does not have to b e in the ex act center of eit her ai r gap for the relay to perform
correctly. Shou ld the disk not clear a l l gaps, the fol l owin g adj ustment can be made.
Determine w hich way the disk must be ali gned to clear a l l su rfaces by 0. 0 1 0 inch.
Remove the d rag magn et assemb ly by
the tw o screws securing it to the
su pport structu re. The screws need not be removed.
the u pper pivot b earing set screw ( 1/ 1 6-inch hex w ren ch) sli g htly, so the
upper pivot can move freely. Do not remove the set screw from the su pport
structu re.
the jewel bearin g set screw as in step 3 ab ove.
Apply a sli g ht downw ard finger pressu re on the upper pivot and turn the
b ea ring screw, from the underside of the su pport structu re, to positi on the
determined in step 1 ab ove.
Turn the jewel b earing screw 1/ 8 tu rn clockwise and tig hten the u pper pivot set
screw to 2.5-3.5 inch- pounds of torq u e.
Tu rn. the j ewel bearin g screw 1/8 turn counterclockwise. This wi l l low e r the disk
and shaft assemb ly approxi mately 0. 005 in ch and permit proper end play. The
shaft must have 0.005 to 0. 0 1 0 in ch of end play.
Ti g hten the jewel bearing set screw to 2.5-3.5 in ch- pounds of torq ue.
Rotate the disk through the electromagn et gap. The disk should clea r the
su rfaces by 0. 0 1 0 inch and b e within 0. 005 inch flatn ess. I f the disk is n ot
0.005-inch flatn ess the disk should be replaced.
1 0. Reinstal l the drag assemb ly an d check that the disk h as at l east 0. 0 1 0-in ch
clearan ce from the drag magnet assemb ly su rfaces.
1 1. Ti g hten the d rag magn et assemb ly mountin g screws with 7- 1 0 in ch- pounds of
torq ue, after secu rely seating the assemb ly and positi onin g it accordin g to the
ti me test ab ove.
1. B oth contacts shou ld close at th e same ti me.
2. The backing stri p shou ld b e so formed that the fork ed end (front) b ea rs against
the molded stri p under the armatu re.
3. With the armature against the pole piece, the cross member of the "T" spring
shou ld b e in a hori z ontal plan e and the�e should b e at least 1/ 64-in ch wi pe on the
contacts. C heck this by insertin g a 0. 0 1 0-in ch feeler gage b etw een the front h a lf
of the shaded pole with the armatu re held closed. Contacts should close with the
feeler gage in place.
Sin ce mechani cal adj ustments may affect the Seismic Fragi lity Level, it is advised
no mechanical adju stments
be made if seismi c capabi lity is of con cern.
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