Con nect relay studs 1 and 2 (see the tes� ci rcuit of Figure 1 3) to a DC sou rce,
ammeter, and load box so that the cu rrent can be control l ed over a range of 0.1
to 2.0 amperes.
Turn the time dial to the zero
time-d ial position.
I ncrease the cu rrent slow ly unti l the seal- in u n it picks up. See Tab le X I for pick u p
cu rrent range.
Move the ti me dial away from the zero
position; the seal- i n u n it sho u l d
remain in the picked- up position.
Decrease the cu rrent slow ly until th e seal- i n u n it drops out. See Tab le X I for
dropout cu rrent.
Pick u p Cu rrent
0. 1 2- 0.20
1.2- 2.0
D ropout Cu rrent
0.05 or more
0. 50 or more
The relay shou ld b e i nstalled i n a clean, d ry location that is free from dust and w e l l l ig hted
to facil itate i nspection and testi ng.
The relay shou ld b e mou nted on a vertical su rface. The outl ine and panel d ri l l i ngs are
show n i n
1 5 and 1 6. Fig ure 1 5 shows the semi-fl ush mounti ng and Fig u re 1 6 show s
of su rface mou nti ng.
The i nternal- connections diagrams for the relays are show n i n Figures 3 and 4. Typica l
external con nections are show n in Figure
The fol low ing tests are to b e performed at the time of i nstallation:
Ti me-Overcu rrent U n it
Set the tap b lock to the desi red tap setti ng and the time dial to the 0.5 position. U si ng the
test ci rcu it in Figure 1 1 , g radually apply cu rrent unti l the contacts j ust close. This val ue of
cu rrent is defined as pick u p and should be w ithin 3% of ta p val ue.
Check the operati ng time at some multi ple of tap va lue and the desi red ti me-d ial setting.
This m u ltiple of ta p va lue may b e ten ( 1 0) ti mes tap rati ng or the max i m u m fau lt cu rrent
for w h ich the relay must coordinate. The choice of the particu lar val u e is left to the
d iscretion of the user.
1 3
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