Optional modules
The following modules can be added to the system. A maximum of six optional modules
can be connected to the system.
An air sensor used to either complete sample loading via
the pump, or to detect if the system has run out of buffer,
depending on placement.
External air sensor L9-
An inlet valve that enables six buffer inlets.
Inlet valve V9-ImA
An inlet valve that enables six buffer inlets.
Inlet valve V9-ImB
An inlet valve that enables five sample inlets and one buffer
Inlet valve V9-ImS
A column valve that can connect up to three columns to
the instrument. Directs the flow onto one column at a time
and allows for flow in two directions (upflow and downflow).
Column valve V9-Cm
An advanced column valve that can connect up to five
columns to the instrument. Directs the flow onto one col-
umn at a time and allows for flow in two directions (upflow
and downflow). This module contains two pressure sensors
that enable pre-column pressure and delta-column pres-
sure signals.
Column valve V9-C
A pH valve that enables in-line monitoring of pH during the
pH valve V9-pH
A fraction collector with up to 175 fractions.
Fraction collector F9-R
An I/O box that sends and receives analog or digital signals
to and from external equipment.
I/O-box E9
You must create new methods if you add or remove modules from the system,
since the available software instructions are updated when modules are added
or removed.
ÄKTA go Operating Instructions 29360951 AC
3 System description
3.2 Available modules