gbo Medizintechnik AG
Version 1.4
2.2 Short instructions
Fix one of the elastic Velcro straps directly under the
knee needing treatent.
Moisten one of the electrodes on the black side with
Aloe Vera spray. Then push the electrode down
between leg and strap.
The black side of the electrode must point towards
your skin.
Now moisten the other electrode on the black side
with Aloe Vera spray. Then push the electrode down
between leg and strap.
The black side of the electrode must point towards
your skin.
Now fix the electrodes with a second elastic Velcro
strap. Connect one electrode with a black connector
and the other electrode with a white connector of the
distribution cable.
We recommend to treat both knees at the same time since the healthy knee is
stressed more with patients with arthrosis. According to the scheme shown above,
fix the electrodes on the other knee.