Global Bill Acceptors
Operations Manual
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Astrosys International Ltd
January 2009
GBA ST2 Op Manual V1.01
When the unit is calibrated the OASG is set up to read 176 and above. The Ambient reading is
stored. An option is available to recalibrate the OASG periodically during idle times. If the validator
is in a jam or alarm condition then recalibration does not occur.
Soft options:
The following options can be set using the GBATalk set up program. Options 1, 2, 5 and 8 (above)
can also be set using the Programming Sheet utility.
String Attempts Before OASG Lock Out:
This option can be set from 0 to 255 and limits the number of successive OASG rejects that will
be allowed. When the set value is reached the validator will issue an alarm signal (according to
the interface in use). Additionally the validator will lock out (disable) for “x” minutes, where “x” is
the setting of the “OASG Lock Out Period”.
This option can be turned off by setting this feature to zero.
Default setting is 0 attempts
, as this feature is only applicable in a limited number of cases,
where a specific security incident has been reported.
OASG lock out period.
This option can be set from 0 to 255 and determines the time (in minutes) that the validator is
disabled, following the detection of the set number of successive OASG rejects.
If this option is set to zero, and the “String attempts before OASG lock out” is set to 1 or more,
the unit will not lock out when the limit is reached, however it will return the note and give an
alarm signal.
Default setting is 5 minutes
, as this acts as an effective deterrent to the persistent fraudster,
whilst minimising disruption to the legitimate user.
OASG Recalibration Period.
This option can be set from 0 to 255 and determines the time (in minutes) between OASG
calibrations. This will ensure that long-term degradation of the sensors is compensated for. If
this option is set to 0 then no recalibration will occur.
Default setting is 10 minutes;
this offers a regular automatic response to changes in
environmental conditions.
OASG Sensitivity.
This option can be set to Low, Standard, High or Disabled. Disabled removes operation of the
OASG for string checks.
OASG Foreign Object Check.
This option checks for the insertion of foreign objects into the bill path, if such an event is
detected then the unit will lock out until the object is removed.
Default setting is OFF
as this feature is only applicable in a limited number of cases where a
specific security incident has been reported.