When the GAIN value is within the 37-40
range, the detector may produce false
signals. That hinders the detector’s ability to
properly ground balance automatically. If
such a situation occurs, switch to the
manual mode and ground balance the
device manually.
When detecting on loamy or alluvial river
soils with high humidity and salt content,
especially at low temperatures, there may
not be a clearly expressed ground balance
The ground balance value provides the current information about the ground you are
searching on. The range of 6-20 is common to poorly mineralized sandy soils. The range of 20-45
is typical for dry clay loams and black soils with low salt content. The same soils at high humidity
and low temperature may have the values within the 45-60 range. Clay, swamp environments and
saltwater may increase this value up to 80.
If the ground balance value reaches 99,
most likely there is a metal object under
the coil and it’s necessary to change a spot
and readjust the ground balance.
If, when ground balancing, the value
tends toward 0, apparently a buried target
under the coil is a non-ferrous metal.