The XA10 / HF-G10 Setup
Page 15
Seal Check (Optional)
Seal Check Manual.
Follow the procedures in the Seal Check manual for verifying
integrity of the housing and monitor.
Pulling a vacuum on the XA10 / HF-G10 will take only a few seconds. Be
careful to avoid excessive vacuum greater than 8 in Hg.
Video Out (Optional)
Camera connection.
If you have the video out installed, plug the video connector
into the camera after inserting the camera into the housing.
Microphone (Optional)
Camera connection.
If you have the Submersible Microphone installed, plug the
audio connector into the camera just prior to inserting the camera into the housing.
Final Checks
Visual Inspection.
Look closely at all seal mates – Port and Main Housing seal –
for gaps. Look over the housing one final time.
Verify operation.
As a final check, power on the camera and verify all controls are
functioning normally.
Typical Seal Check fitting