4. For model CH60BF, CH603BF, CH604BF, CH77BF, CH90BF Set a power
level by touching the "-" , "+", or slide along the "• • • • • • • • • • "control, or
just touch any point of the " • • • • • • • • • • ".
5. For model CH603BF, CH90BF,you can activate the double/triple zone by
pressing . When double/triple zone is working, turning it off by
pressing .
6. For model CH604BF, CH77BF,that have dual zone or
oval zone, activate the double zone by pressing , when
double zone is working, turning double zone off by pressing
When You Have Finished Cooking
1. For model CH30BF, touch heating zone selection controls first, and
select a heat setting by touching the “-” control, turn the cooking zone
off by scrolling down to “0” Then touch “-” or “+” to adjust the heating
2. For model CH60BF, CH603BF, CH604BF, CH77BF, CH90BF, Turn the cooking
zone off by touching the " -” or slide along the “ _” to the left point, and
then touch the “- ”. or touch the left point of “—” , and then touching the