Series 1000 to FleetKey Conversion
Install the 10-position Key Receptacle Ribbon Cable(s) by inserting one end into the top of
the Key Receptacle and the other end into connector P3 or P4 of the Key I/F PCB. Select the
connector closest to the Key Receptacle. Both the Key Receptacle and the connectors on
the Key I/F PCB are keyed so the cables cannot be plugged in backwards. Important:
Secure ribbon cable to key receptacle with the tie-wrap supplied in the kit.
9. Install
26-position Key I/F Ribbon Cable by inserting one end into the P2 connector of
the Key I/F PCB and the other end into the J6 connector (labeled J6 OPTICAL READER) of
the Series 1000 MPU PCB. Both PCB connectors are keyed so the cable cannot be plugged
in backwards.
10. Install the Key I/F Cable Assembly. This cable contains three separate 10-position
connectors (and one 4-position connector if your unit has a receipt printer). One end of the
cable has a single connector, the other side of the cable splits off into two connectors (3 if
your unit has receipt printer).
Plug the end with the single connector into the P1 connector of the Key I/F PCB. Feed the
other ends of the cable underneath and out the center of the Series 1000 MPU PCB.
One of the remaining 10-position connectors has only 2 wires, an orange wire and a black
wire. Attach it to the J5 connector (labeled J5 MAG READER) of the Series 1000 MPU PCB.
The remaining 10-position connector attaches to the J1 connector of the Series 1000 MPU
If you have a receipt printer, the four position connector splitting off of the J1 connector is for
the receipt printer. Existing Series 1000 receipt printer systems already have a small cable
attached between the J1 connector of the Series 1000 MPU PCB and the P6 connector of the
Auxiliary Communication PCB. Remove and discard this cable.) Attach the connector to the
P6 connector of the Auxiliary Communication PCB.
11. The U21 socket, containing the current ROM chip, is located in approximately the center of
the Series 1000 MPU PCB. The ROM chip is labeled with the program name, version, start
address and a directional arrow. The directional arrow points to a U-shaped notch indicating
the top of the ROM chip. Using a screwdriver, carefully pry the ROM chip out of the socket.
Install the provided ROM chip, which contains the software revision for the key system, so
each of it pins are properly lined-up with the U21 socket on the MPU PCB and the directional
arrow on the ROM label points up. Firmly press the ROM chip into the socket, being careful
not to bend any pins.
12. The program contained within the new ROM chip has one of two possible starting addresses,
7000 or 8000. The starting address is written on the label of the ROM chip. The jumper
selections of jumper patch JP3 and JP4 of the Series 1000 MPU PCB are dependent upon
the start address of the system’s program. See the drawing on the next page for jumper
patch locations and settings. Set JP3 and JP4 appropriately.
13. If you are converting from version 8.1 or higher software, you already have an additional 8K
RAM in the U22 socket. Proceed to Step 14. The key software requires an additional RAM
chip in the U22 socket of the Series 1000 MPU PCB. The conversion kit provides an 8K
RAM which looks similar to the 32K RAM in the U23 socket. The provided RAM is not a
replacement for the existing RAM in the U23 socket, but works with it from the U22 socket.
The U22 socket has a small chip in the center of the socket; do not attempt to remove it, the
new RAM will cover it. Position the provided RAM chip so each of its pins are properly lined-
up with the U22 socket on the MPU PCB and the small recessed circle in the top corner of
the RAM chip points up. Firmly press the RAM chip into the socket, being careful not to bend
any pins.