The GPS 90’s Map page also features an AutoZoom
mode that automatically changes the map scale to keep
your present position and destination on the display at
all times. Whenever a GOTO or route is activated,
AutoZoom will default to the largest map scale that will
fit your present position and ‘active to’ waypoint on the
map display (up to 80 nm). As you head towards the
destination, the scale will change to the next lower scale
when your present position and the destination can be
displayed on that particular scale. The AutoZoom feature
will stop when the scale has reached the 1nm setting.
The AutoZoom feature is designed to allow you to
manually change the map scale without turning the
automatic map scaling off. AutoZoom will determ i n e
whether or not to change the scale based upon the cur-
rent status of the map page:
• If the map scale is manually zoomed in before an
AutoZoom takes place, the automatic scaling will
resume once it reaches the scale you have selected.
• If the map scale is manually changed to a setting
higher than the current AutoZoom setting, automat-
ic map scaling will be cancelled unless the map scale
is manually re t u rned to the current or smaller
AutoZoom setting.
• If you leave the Map page and miss an automatic
scale adjustment, AutoZoom will assume you want
to keep the last selected map scale and cancel auto-
matic map scaling.
• If the zoom field is active (it has been highlighted
and the
key has been pressed) when the map is
ready to scale down to the next level, the AutoZoom
feature will be cancelled.
The AutoZoom feature is designed to be most effective
when you are continuously navigating a GOTO or a
route from the Map page, and can be turned off through
the map configuration setup described on page 51.
Map Page
AutoZoom at the
80 nm map scale.
AutoZoom at the
20 nm map scale.
gps 90 manual 8/6/98 10:00 AM Page 41