G500/G600 TXi Part 23 AML STC Maintenance Manual
Rev. 1
Page 5-43
The ADC may require a warm-up period of 15 minutes to reach full accuracy, however 30
minutes may be required if the environmental temperature is below 0º C.
The GDU 700P/1060 airspeed tape display and settings must be verified using the procedures in Section or Section depending on the airspeed tape configuration (Basic or Advanced). The
airspeeds referenced in the following steps must match those shown in the printed configuration log. Basic Airspeed Tape Setting
If the airspeed
Configuration Type
is set to
, verify correct operation of the ADC as follows:
Figure 5-24 Airspeed Configuration Type
1. Verify the TXi system is in Normal mode.
2. Verify all self-tests pass on the main startup screen.
If the ADC and standby airspeed indicator are on separate Pitot-static systems, it is
recommended to set up the test set so that both systems can be tested at the same time, or
separate tests must be completed for each system.
3. Using a Pitot-static test set, increase the airspeed until the PFD airspeed tape pointer is at the
bottom of the white band (Vs0).
4. Verify that the bottom of the white arc/band on the standby ASI and PFD airspeed tape are at the
same airspeed value.
(For twin engine aircraft with a minimum control speed)
Increase the airspeed to the lower red
radial (Vmca). Verify that the red radial on the standby ASI and PFD airspeed tape are at the same
airspeed value.
6. Change the airspeed until the PFD airspeed tape pointer is at the bottom of the green band (Vs1).
7. Verify that the bottom of the green arc/band on the standby ASI and PFD airspeed tape are at the
same airspeed value.
(For twin engine aircraft only)
Increase the airspeed to the blue radial (Vyse). Verify that the blue
radial on the standby ASI and PFD airspeed tape are at the same airspeed value.
9. Change the airspeed until the PFD airspeed tape pointer is at the top of the white band (Vfe).
10. Verify that the top of the white arc/band on the standby ASI and PFD airspeed tape are at the same
airspeed value.