Compass Fields
Compass Heading
The direction you are moving based on the compass.
GPS Heading
The direction you are moving based on GPS.
The direction you are moving.
Distance Fields
The distance traveled for the current track or activity.
Interval Distance
The distance traveled for the current interval.
Lap Distance
The distance traveled for the current lap.
Last Lap Distance
The distance traveled for the last completed lap.
Nautical Distance
The distance traveled in nautical meters or nautical feet.
Elevation Fields
Average Ascent
The average vertical distance of ascent since the last reset.
Average Descent
The average vertical distance of descent since the last reset.
The altitude of your current location above or below sea level.
Glide Ratio
The ratio of horizontal distance traveled to the change in vertical distance.
GPS Elevation
The altitude of your current location using GPS.
The calculation of rise (elevation) over run (distance). For example, if for every 3 m
(10 ft.) you climb you travel 60 m (200 ft.), the grade is 5%.
Lap Ascent
The vertical distance of ascent for the current lap.
Lap Descent
The vertical distance of descent for the current lap.
Last Lap Ascent
The vertical distance of ascent for the last completed lap.
Last Lap Descent
The vertical distance of descent for the last completed lap.
Maximum Ascent
The maximum rate of ascent in feet per minute or meters per minute since the last reset.
Maximum Descent
The maximum rate of descent in meters per minute or feet per minute since the last
Maximum Elevation The highest elevation reached since the last reset.
Minimum Elevation The lowest elevation reached since the last reset.
Total Ascent
The total elevation distance ascended since the last reset.
Total Descent
The total elevation distance descended since the last reset.