background image

supplying the bathroom. Ask your installer for advice.

This appliance must not be used by people with reduced 

physical, motor or mental capacity (including children), 

or with limited knowledge of the appliance itself, 

unless such people have been trained for its use or are 

under adequate supervision to ensure their own safety. 

Children must be under supervision at all times to 

ensure that they do not play with the appliance.


Do not use this appliance near bathtubs or 

other vessels containing water.


This appliance has been designed with a

double-insulation system for your safety. 


         The symbol on the product or on the package

         indicates that the product should not be considered 

         as normal domestic waste; once you have decided

to dispose of it, it should be taken to the proper collection 

point for recycling electrical and electronic appliances. 

When you dispose of this product correctly, you help 

prevent potential negative consequences for the 

environment and health, which could derive from improper 

treatment of the product. For more detailed information 

on recycling this product, contact the municipal office, the 

local waste disposal service or the shop where it was purchased.


The standard warranty period for the hair straighteners we market is 24 months in compliance with European 

Directive 1999/44/EC.

The professional warranty period for hair straighteners that are used at beauty salons and for any other 

professional purposes is 12 months from the date of purchase. In both cases, the warranty shall be valid upon 

presentation of the proof of purchase consisting of original invoice or purchase ticket indicating the date of 

purchase and product type. Such proof must be legible, full and undamaged.

This appliance is designed with a protective coating around the heating coils. When plugged in and operated 

for the first time, there may be a momentary burning smell. This occurs when the coating around the heating 

element is heated for the first time. This is not dangerous for the user and does not indicate a defect in the 

unit. When using the appliance for the first time, keep it working until the smell dissipates. Smoke dissipates 

after about 30 seconds.

• Plug the appliance into the power outlet.

• Turn on the hair straightener by pressing the (O/I) button.

• The hair straightener will reach the lowest temperature of 160°C in just a few seconds.



Summary of Contents for CP1 NOVA W&L DIGITAL 3D TSUBAKI

Page 1: ...E NEW GAMA COMMUNITY Would you like to find out the latest news and get many useful tips for perfect hair Visit The Hair Voice GAMA new blog dedicated to hair beauty Seguici su Follow us on MANUALE D...

Page 2: ...ontenenti acqua 3 Staccare l apparecchio dalla spina quando spento perch la vicinanza all acqua potrebbe rappresentare una minaccia porre particolare attenzione quando lo si utilizza nel bagno 4 Evita...

Page 3: ...iporlo in luogo sicuro Per scollegarlo estrarre il cavo dalla spina 11 Se si desidera pulire l apparecchio staccarlo dalla presa di corrente e lasciarlo raffreddare Per la pulizia non utilizzare prodo...

Page 4: della prova d acquisto in originale leggibile ed integra in tutte le sue parti in quanto a far fede sono data ed articolo Per accedere al servizio di assistenza in garanzia necessario recarsi con l...

Page 5: ...ile se tenute pulite mantengono un elevata capacit di scorrimento sui capelli Elementi chimici colorazioni trattamenti spume lacche cere presenti sui capelli possono mediante il calore trasferirsi sul...

Page 6: ...straightener Lack of compliance with the above warnings and instructions could cause a short circuit and thus irreparable damage to the hair straightener as well as put the user s safety at risk 9 If...

Page 7: ...localwastedisposalserviceortheshopwhereitwaspurchased LIMITED WARRANTY PERIOD The standard warranty period for the hair straighteners we market is 24 months in compliance with European Directive 1999...

Page 8: ...l continue to glide easily through your hair Heat can cause chemical elements colourings treatments mousse sprays waxes etc on your hair to be transferred onto the plates After each use we recommend d...

Page 9: ...surfaces sensibles la chaleur plasti que tissus en vinyle etc 8 Ne pas tenir ni manipuler l appareil par le c ble viter d enrouler le c ble autour de l appareil de le plier et de le soumettre des tors...

Page 10: s curit cet appareil a t con u avec une double isolation Le symbole sur le produit ou l emballage indique qu il ne doit pas tre consid r comme un d chet m nager normal mais lorsque son limination a...

Page 11: ...ssus par m garde en utilisant le fer la temp rature de travail ne changera pas Pour activer le syst me Button Lock La temp rature d allumage se bloque imm diatement quelques secondes apr s l allumage...

Page 12: la toma de co rriente cuando se encuentre apagado ya que la cerca n a al agua podr a representar un riesgo prestar espe cial atenci n cuando se lo utiliza en el ba o 4 No utilizar este aparato el c...

Page 13: ...chufe de la toma de corriente el ctrica 11 Si se desea lim piar el aparato desenchufarlo de la toma de corriente el ctrica y dejarlo enfriar Para limpiar el aparato no utilizar productos agresivos que...

Page 14: ...provisto de un revestimiento protector alrededor de las resistencias de calentamiento Cuando el aparato sea enchufado y puesto en funcionamiento por primera vez podr a producirse un olor a quemado mo...

Page 15: ...o y utilizando un pa o h medo remover los residuos presentes en las placas Evitar utilizar agentes particularmente agresivos sobre las placas Asegurarse de que el aparato est completamente seco antes...

Page 16: ...veis ao calor pl stico tecidos de vinil etc 8 N o segure ou manuseie o aparelho pelo cabo Evite enrolar o cabo ao redor do aparelho bem como dobr lo ou subme t lo a tor es que poderiam prejudicar o se...

Page 17: ...m com os produtos N o utilize este aparelho pr ximo de banheiras ou doutros recipientes que contenham gua Este aparelho para a sua seguran a foi projetado com um isolamento duplo O s mbolo no produto...

Page 18: ...Button Lock utilizado para bloquear os bot es ap s a sele o da temperatura Desta forma uma press o acidental dos mesmos n o ir alterar a temperatura de trabalho durante o uso do alisador Para ativar o...

Page 19: ...RU GAMA GAMA GI0310 CP1 NOVA WL DIGITAL 3D TSUBAKI TSUBAKI 30 160 C 230 C 3D Therapy Ultra Ion Nano Silver 30 x 110 60 2 360 110 240V 35 36 1 2 3 4 5...

Page 20: ...6 7 8 9 10 11 37 38...

Page 21: ...12 13 RCD 30 39 40...

Page 22: ...24 12 60 30 CP1 NOVA W L DIGITAL 3D TSUBAKI O I 160 C 230 C O I 4D THERAPY 160 C 230 C BUTTON LOCK Button Lock 2 60 41 42...

Page 23: ...www gamaprofessional ru XXX XX GAMA GAMA 1 2 3 43 44...

Page 24: ...4 5 6 7 8 9 10 45 46...

Page 25: ...11 12 13 RCD 30 mA 47 48...

Page 26: ...O 24 1999 44 30 CP1 NOVA W L DIGITAL 3D TSUBAKI 160 C 4D THERAPY 160 C 230 C BUTTON LOCK Button Lock Button Lock POWER 12 49 50...

Page 27: ...aj c nawet najbardziej wymagaj cych u ytkownik w kt rzy oczekuj doskona ych rezultat w zar wno w salonie jak i we w asnym domu Przed u yciem nale y uwa nie przeczyta instrukcj obs ugi i zachowa j ZASA...

Page 28: ...wysoka tem peratura mo e powodowa poparzenia 7 Prze chowywa urz dzenie oraz kabel zasilania z daleka od r de ciep a i powierzchni wra liwych na ciep o tworzywa sztuczne tkaniny winylowe itd 8 Nie trzy...

Page 29: ...h fizycznych w tym dzieci ruchowych i umys owych ani osoby niemaj ce odpowiedniej wiedzy o produkcie chyba e otrzyma y one instrukcje dotycz ce u ytkowania produktu lub u ytkuj produkt pod nadzorem os...

Page 30: ...wy wietlaczu Aby wy czy prostownic nacisn przycisk O I Od czy urz dzenie od gniazdka pr du Przed od o eniem prostownicy do opakowania nale y pozostawi j do och odzenia REGULACJA TEMPERATURY Prostownic...

Page 31: ...heten av badkar eller andra vattenfyllda beh llare 3 Koppla ur apparaten fr n eln tet d den r avst ngd eftersom n rheten till vatten inneb r en risk Var s rskilt f rsiktig n r apparaten anv nds i badr...

Page 32: ...n och d rmed skadar platt ngen Att negligera ovanst ende varningar och indikationer kan leda till kortslutning och permanenta skador p platt ngen ut ver en risk f r anv ndarens personliga s kerhet 9 E...

Page 33: ...rund av felaktig sophantering F r ytterligare information kan man ocks v nda sig till kommunkontoret ortens tervinningscentraler eller aff ren d r produkten ink ptes BEGR NSAD GARANTITID tiden f r sta...

Page 34: ...a uppl sta och kan anv ndas f r att st lla in nskad temperatur N r man valt ny temperatur kommer knappsatsen automatiskt att blockeras igen efter 2 sekunder och displayen terg r till att visa h ngl se...

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Page 36: ...69 70 30 O I 160 O I 4D THERAPY 230 160 BUTTON LOCK Button Lock Button Lock POWER 60 www gamaprofessional com CP1 NOVA W L DIGITAL 3D TSUBAKI...
