Summary and method of use
Below is a brief description of how the Birth Alarm Lite works and how it
should be used. We advise you to read this text.
The Birth Alarm Lite checks the position of your mare once every 8 seconds.
During the intervals, the Birth Alarm Lite will switch to an energy-efficient
mode, so that your battery is not being used. When your mare starts having
contractions and lays down outstretched as a result, the Birth Alarm Lite will
call your mobile telephone. The telephone number of the Birth Alarm Lite will
then be displayed on the screen of your mobile telephone. If you store this
number in the contact list of your mobile telephone with a name such as
"Birth Alarm" or "Mare", this name will also be displayed on the screen of
your telephone. You will now know that the Birth Alarm Lite is calling you. In
contrast to what you would normally do, do not answer the phone in this
instance! This will ensure that you do not start a "conversation" and the
report to you will be entirely free of charge. After a few seconds, the Birth
Alarm Lite will stop calling automatically. You can then call back the Birth
Alarm Lite (this is also free of charge). This will let the Birth Alarm Lite know
that you have heard its call and the device will stop dialling. The Birth Alarm
Lite will only reactivate if the horse lies down again.
If you do not call back the Birth Alarm Lite within approximately one minute,
the Birth Alarm Lite will call the second number in its memory (if a second
number has been programmed) and will then once again wait approximately
one minute for confirmation. If the Birth Alarm Lite has called both numbers
once without either number having responded, the Birth Alarm Lite will redial
the first number and then redial the 2
number. The Birth Alarm Lite will
then cease calling automatically.
It should be noted that calling a landline connection (your home telephone)
presents no problem for the Birth Alarm Lite. If your landline telephone is
equipped with number recognition, you can see in advance whether it is the