Using This Manual
This user manual provides information for proper operation of the DMC-40x0 controller. A separate supplemental
manual, the Command Reference, contains a description of the commands available for use with this controller. It
is recommended that the user download the latest version of the Command Reference and User Manual from the
Galil Website.
Your DMC-40x0 motion controller has been designed to work with both servo and stepper type motors.
Installation and system setup will vary depending upon whether the controller will be used with stepper motors or
servo motors. To make finding the appropriate instructions faster and easier, icons will be next to any information
that applies exclusively to one type of system. Otherwise, assume that the instructions apply to all types of
systems. The icon legend is shown below.
Attention: Pertains to servo motor use.
Attention: Pertains to stepper motor use.
Attention: Pertains to controllers with more than 4 axes.
Please note that many examples are written for the DMC-4040 four-axes controller or the DMC-4080 eight axes
controller. Users of the DMC-4030 3-axis controller, DMC-4020 2-axes controller or DMC-4010 1-axis controller
should note that the DMC-4030 uses the axes denoted as ABC, the DMC-4020 uses the axes denoted as AB, and the
DMC-4010 uses the A-axis only.
Examples for the DMC-4080 denote the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. Users of the DMC-4050 5-axes controller. DMC-
4060 6-axes controller or DMC-4070, 7-axes controller should note that the DMC-4050 denotes the axes as
A,B,C,D,E, the DMC-4060 denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F and the DMC-4070 denotes the axes as A,B,C,D,E,F,G. The
axes A,B,C,D may be used interchangeably with X, Y, Z, W.
Machinery in motion can be dangerous!
It is the responsibility of the user to design effective error handling and safety protection as
part of the machinery. Galil shall not be liable or responsible for any incidental or
consequential damages
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