Electrical Specifications
Electrical specifications are only valid once controller is out of reset.
Servo Control
Motor command line
10 V analog signal
Resolution: 16-bit DAC or 0.0003 volts
3 mA maximum.
Output impedance – 500 Ω
Main and auxiliary encoder inputs
TTL compatible, but can accept up to
12 volts
Quadrature phase on CHA, CHB
Single-ended or differential
Maximum A, B edge rate: 22 MHz
Minimum IDX pulse width: 45 nsec
Stepper Control
STPn (Step)
TTL (0-5 volts) level at 50% duty cycle.
6,000,000 pulses/sec maximum frequency
DIRn (Direction)
TTL (0-5 volts)
Input / Output
Opto-isolated Inputs: DI[16:1]*, Limit
switches, home, abort, reset
2.2 kΩ in series with opto-isolator
Active high or low requires at least 1mA to activate.
Once activated, the input requires the current to go below 0.5mA.
All Limit Switch and Home inputs use one common voltage (LSCOM)
which can accept up to 24 volts.
Voltages above 24 volts require an additional resistor.
≥ 1 mA = ON; ≤ 0.5 mA = OFF
*[8:1] for 1-4 axes models, [16:1] for 5-8 axes models
Appendices ▫ 182
DMC-40x0 User Manual