AMP-43240 (-D3240)
The AMP-43240 resides inside the DMC-40x0 enclosure and contains four trapezoidally commutated
transconductance, PWM amplifiers for driving brushless or brush-type servo motors. Each amplifier drives motors
operating at up to 10 Amps continuous, 20 Amps peak, 20–60 VDC. The gain settings of the amplifier are user-
programmable at 0.5 Amp/Volt, 1.0 Amp/Volt and 2.0 Amp/Volt. The switching frequency is 24 kHz.
The drive operates in a Chopper Mode. The amplifier offers protection for over-voltage, under-voltage, over-
current, short-circuit and over-temperature. Two AMP-43240s can be used in 5- through 8-axis controllers. A shunt
regulator option is available. If higher voltages are required, please contact Galil.
Do not “hot swap” the motor power or supply voltage power input connections. If the amplifier is
enabled when the motor connector is connected or disconnected, damage to the amplifier can
occur. Galil recommends powering the controller and amplifier down before changing the connector,
and breaking the AC side of the power supply connection in order to power down the amplifier.
Chapter 5 Integrated Components ▫ 22
DMC-40x0 UL Installation Manual