enters the cooling stage.
During the operation period, if the heart rate is 45 seconds more than the maximum value, the
running machine will be suspended automatically whereas if the heart rate does not meet with the goal and wonders between
the two goals, the display will give prompt to increase or lower the speed.
If the first heart rate goal is reached, the program
will not skip to next goal.
In the running period, confirmation shall be made that the breast belt sensor is correctly worn or
the heart rate sensor on the handle is grasped tightly. Otherwise, the program will not run normally.
Heart rate control display image
Corresponding targeted heart beat times
Take a 40-year old user for instance, the heartbeat goal is 80% of the maximum heart beat times:
(220—40) ×80%=144
Interval Heart Rate Control
The interval heart rate control is similar to the heart rate control program and the differences are: firstly, the heart rate goals
are 80% of the maximum heart rate.
Secondly, the maintaining time of each heart rate goal is 3 minutes.
In the running period, confirmation shall be made that the breast belt sensor is correctly worn or the heart rate sensor on the
handle is grasped tightly. Otherwise, the program will not run normally.