© 2012 FXpansion Audio
DCAM BusComp is based on a classic bus compressor design from the centre section of a well-known
British large-format mixing console.
It is usually intended to be inserted on subgroups like drum mixes or the entire master output to add
‘glue’ and power to a mix of tracks. However, it also works very well as a channel compressor.
Standard controls/indicators
This control exists on all Reason devices for managing the state of the entire device.
DCAM BusComp features programmable effect presets, called Patches. It includes a number of factory
Patches which can be used as they are or provide you with a good starting point for further tweaking.
Patches use the '.repatch' file extension. Loading and saving Patches is done in the same way as for
other instruments and effects in Reason, using the Patch Browse and Save controls at the top of the
DCAM BusComp panel.