00031823.DOC, Version 1.0
Enter the manual mode by pressing the MANUAL button. Here the channels of the units can be taken out
from the running program and their values can be changed with the potentiometers 1-8 and the jog discs.
After entering, the LED of the MANUAL button will glow with total intensity, indicating that the manual mode
is active. Units can be specified with buttons 1-16 (their LEDs will be flashing). If you want to select units 1-
10, you do not have to press all 10 buttons, simply keep button 1 pressed and then press button 10. If there
is no unit selected the caption ‘NO UNIT SELECTED’ appears on the display. Otherwise the value of the last
modified channel of the last selected unit appears on the display.
After letter ‘U’ (Unit) the serial number of the last selected unit appears. After the ‘POT’ the number of the
last moved potentiometer is shown, while the value of the channel controlled by the potentiometer is shown
at the corner. In the lower line the name of the last modified channel effect and the type name belonging to
the value appears.
Channels of the specified units can be changed with the potentiometers 1-8, the current values become
immediately visible on the display. If you move a potentiometer, to which no is channel assigned to, no
channel value appears as that channel is not defined.
Beams can be directed with the jog discs. When they are moved, always the values of the PAN and TILT
channels are written on the display. The moving speed of the beam depends on the rotating speed of the jog
SLIDER button: The controller is able to manage units with a maximum of 32 channels. All 32
channels can be accessed with the eight potentiometers and the SLIDER shifting button. By
pressing it, the LED starts flashing, indicating that it is working now as the potentiometers 9-16 or
17-24 or 25-32. Now the channels on the upper side can be accessed by them. By pressing it
again the LED will glow again at half intensity and the channels 1-8 can be accessed again.
Even if just one channel is overloaded in manual mode the LED of the MANUAL mode signals it by flashing.
By pressing the MANUAL button again, the flashing stops and all the channels that were manually
overloaded return to automatic mode.
It is possible to call the 64 shape in manual mode. Press the MANUAL button for more than two seconds
until you will see on the upper line SHAPE. With buttons 1-16 and the PAGE button you can select a shape
form the 64. On the lower line you can see which unit carries out which shape. The
shape started can be stopped by pressing its button again. The shape parameters can
also be modified by sliders 1-6.
Press MANUAL to advance to manual mode. Press the MANUAL button again and all
manual channel values will be deleted and all manual shapes will stop.
The GRAND MASTER (DATA ENTRY) potentiometer sets the intensity of the
potentiometers – if they have a channel that controls the intensity exclusively (usually the
dimmer channel), and if the channel was marked as a special dimmer. Set the intensity