00031823.DOC, Version 1.0
If you have not provided a name so far the controller will use the name according to the serial number of the
channel. The flashing caret indicates that the name can be created. Write the name of the unit channel as
described in the unit name construction. By pressing ESC you can return to the parameter selection, by
pressing it again to the channel selection, then you can log off from the installation. Then it can be specified
which potentiometer you want to control the current channel with.
Assigning the unit channel to a potentiometer:
In the upper line the current channel number of the unit and the name of the current parameter appears, in
the present case POTI. Here the current channel can be assigned to a potentiometer. In manual mode and
in case of program construction the value of this channel can be set with the given potentiometer. In the
lower line the assignment state of the potentiometers is shown. The horizontal line means that no channel is
assigned to the potentiometer with that serial number. The X means that a channel has been assigned to
that potentiometer, but it does not belong to the currently selected channel. The star means that the current
channel is assigned to the potentiometer with that serial number. In case of a channel two stars are shown
as well, because a channel can be assigned to both existing potentiometer sides. The 32 controllable
channels can be contacted with the shift button (SLIDER) and the 8 potentiometers. If it is flashing, then the
channels 9-16, 17-24 and 25-32 can be set by the 1-8 potentiometers.
If you do not want to control this channel with a potentiometer, it is not compulsory to assign it. Such can be,
for example, a PAN or TILT channel, perhaps a channel not used by the unit either. A channel can be
specified with the 1-8 potentiometers in the way that it is drawn to a value higher than its half. Then a star will
indicate the potentiometer at the adequate place on the display.
Press ENTER to advance to special settings.
Special setup of the unit channel:
It can be selected by the UP/DOWN buttons, if the channel has a special function: Which are: PAN, TILT,
If the current channel controls PAN mirror movement, the PAN special setup has to be selected.
Consequently, its value can be controlled with the pan jog disc. The same goes for the TILT channel and the
FINE channels. If the installed unit has such a channel; with which its intensity can be controlled exclusively,
it is worth being set as DIMMER. Consequently, in automatic mode the intensity of the unit can be set with
the GRAND MASTER potentiometer. For the right operation of the BLACK-OUT button or the sequences,
the black-out function must be set right at one channel, which has two states; one: it does not allow the
beam to leave the controller two: when it allows. This is usually the SHUTTER channel. If you do not want to
supply the channel with special setting, press DELETE (LEFT), so the channel is settled as default. Moving
with ENTER the strobo function of the unit can be set.
Unit channel strobo setup:
By pressing the STROBO button a strobo effect can be launched in automatic mode in the controller. If your
current channel there is of strobo type, it can be set. If you do not want to specify it as strobo press the
DELETE button, then three lines will appear after the active caption on the display. If you want to set up the
strobo set that value with the 7
or 8
potentiometer. (Tip: If it is more important to you to turn in the prisms
by pressing a button then you can give the turning-in value on the prism channel and then the units will not
start to strobo by pressing a button, but their prism will turn in).
By pressing the ENTER button you can move to switching on/off-mode of the glow-lamp.