Automatic Control
Set Valve Raise / Lower Balance (13)
The valve raise / lower balance set-up allows adjustment to compensate for different raise /lower
blade velocities due to cylinder imbalance or for different hydraulic system responses to different
Most mobile equipment uses double-acting hydraulic cylinders. Double-acting cylinders are also
called differential cylinders because the effective area, and therefore the volume, of each end of
the cylinder is different. The rod end of the cylinder has less area and volume than the cap end
by the nature of the rod being present. This differential area and volume causes a different force
and velocity during extension and retraction - or raising and lowering for a lift cylinder.
Set the machines throttle to normal operating RPM.
Place the blade approximately 1 foot (0.3 m) above the ground.
No laser is required.
Adjust the valve set-up DIP switch (14) to the dynamic balance set mode.
Set the valve balance rotary switch (13) to 8.
Toggle the raise / lower switch to raise and hold. The blade will oscillate up and down. Observe
the blade drifting up or down during oscillation. Adjust the rotary pot to minimize the drift.
Clockwise - toward position F - if blade is drifting down.
Counterclockwise - toward position 0 - if blade is drifting up.
: Ensure valve set-up switches are in run mode (all switches down) before
Cap end of cylinder has greater volume and area than rod end.