CDR-5000 Functions
Initial-Setting Screen
Here you can set the following conditions. After completion of INITIAL-SETTING, change the screen
to DX DATA screen as described hereunder before ending operation of CDR-5000, otherwise all the
data you have set here will be lost.
[How to select an item]
Push "Enter" key to select an item to set pa-
[How to save parameters that you
have set here]
Push "Data" key after completion of INITIAL-
SETTING and switch to DX DATA screen, then
all the parameters you have set will be auto-
matically saved.
Set user's name that will be shown on the opening screen. The maximum number of characters is eight.
<Characters to be used>
<Operation keys>
Move cursor by pushing " " or " " keys (to select the character.)
Set character by pushing " " or " " keys.
You can select "Discharging" or "Charging" to start the cycle mode that repeats charging and discharg-
ing up to the preset count. The default parameter is set to "D-CHG (discharge)".
<Setting mode>
D-CHG: start from discharging
CHG: start from charging
<Operation key>
Push any one of " ", " ", " " and " " keys to select the mode.
This parameter sets a waiting condition in a cycle mode while the batteries are at high temperature. The
default parameter is set to "ON". This function is available only at DX.