6. Program Upgradation
The system program, stored in flash memory, is updated by using the procedure below. GP-90 uses three
English version: 2051512 - 02.xx
Japanese version: 2051511 - 02.xx
Dual version:
2051513 - 02.xx
6.1 Using PC
The “COM” port on a PC is connected to “ DATA 4 ” port on GP-90
1. Save route and waypoint data to the PC.
2. Insert program disk into the slot on the PC. The program disk contains five files.
Choice. COM
GP - 90bug. bin
Load - all. bin
Up. bat
Uppg. exe
3. Turn on the PC.
4. Type up and press Enter key, or double-click up, bat. The PC screen should look like below.
1) English
2) Dual
3) Japanese
[1, 2, 3] 1 -
5. Turn on GP-90.
GP-90 beeps three times and loads new program. Nothing appears on the display of GP-90.
6. When loading is complete, “ Finish Version Up Continue loading? <(Y/N) ” appears on the PC
7. Select “ N ” to quit loading. If you have another GP-90 to be updated, select “ Y ”, Change GP-90
and then turn it on.