5. Communication with PC
5.4 Data Format
(1) Waypoint data
$ PFEC,GPwpl,llll.ll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,c,--c,c,
(1)(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
c--c,a,hhmmss,xx,xx,xxxx<CR> <LF>
(7) (8) (9) (10)(11)(12)
(1) Latitude
(2) N/S
(3) Longitude
(4) E/W
(5) Waypoint number (1 to 1131)
(6) Waypoint color (1: red, 2: green, 4: cyan, 5: purple, 6: blue, 7: white)
(7) Comment (2 bites for mark shape , 12 bites for comment)
(8) Waypoint graph on/off
(9) Time (6 digits)
(10) Day (1 to 31)
(11) Month (1 to 12)
(12) Year (1986 to 2053)
Note that if any data, except for a comment, is null or contains an error, the sentence is