ft635ule_eng (21.06.2012)
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ft635ule _eng(21.06.2012)
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
1.-3. digit nnn*1s max. receiving time on Simplex
4. digit dial tone detection on/off (1/0)
5. digit number of ring tones until line seizure
368 04500000 configuration telephone mode
1.-3. digit nnn*1s max. hold time for dial tone at the remote station
369 00000000 configuration telephone mode
1. digit
prefix for an external line (only for
dial tone detection) F = no prefix
2. digit
key tone delay (lead time for BEEP to
radio) n*100ms
voice announcement text1 on connection buildup
tel>radio on(+radio)/on/off (2/1/0)
4. digit
voice announcement
text2 on connection buildup
radio>tel on(+radio)/on/off (2/1/0)
380 41405000 exchange tone decoder
1. digit
n*3,125% tolerance for exchange tone decoder
2.-4. digit nnn*10ms tone duration for continuous tone decoding
5.-7. digit nnn*10ms pause duration for no tone decoding
indicate decoded exchange tone periods, y/n (1/0)
exchange tone decoder table
1. digit
exchange tone type:
0=continued line, 1=dial tone,
2=busy tone, F=free
2.-4. digit nnn*10ms tone duration
5.-7. digit nnn*10ms pause period
DTMF encoder/decoder
600 00200020 duration of DTMF encoder
1.-4. digit DTMF tone duration nnnn * 5ms
5.-8. digit DTMF pause duration nnnn * 5ms
601 00200020 duration of DTMF encoder
1.-4. digit DTMF lead time nnnn * 5ms
5.-8. digit DTMF duration of follow-up time nnnn * 5ms
602 0000000
4.-8. digit output level DTMF high tone to radio (0-32768)
603 00006000
4.-8. digit output level DTMF low tone to radio (0-32768)
604 00008000
4.-8. digit output level DTMF high tone to telephone
605 00006000
4.-8. digit output level DTMF low tone to telephone
Register in TIM (Telefon Interface Modul)