ft635ule_eng (21.06.2012)
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ft635ule _eng(21.06.2012)
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Kompetent für Elektroniksysteme
Reg. Function
361 1.-7. digit: preset digits for tone sequence for direct dialing Tel>Radio
361 8. digit: begin call with end key y/n (1/0)
363 1. digit: ID-mode of the tone sequence for direct dialing Tel>Radio
363 2. digit: link tone for double tone sequence
The automatic transfer is a special case of direct dialing by DTMF if all digits of the tone
sequence are preprogrammed. An incoming phone call effects the automatic line seizure
after the N-th ring tone, a signal tone is transmitted to the telephone and the programmed
call is transmitted to the radio. If the function T11-55 is activated then the call will be
delayed until the channel is free. But if the channel is busy for longer than 45 seconds,
then the connection wiil be terminated.. For information on the function of T11-55 please
read section T11-55. After transmission of the call a second signal tone is transmitted to
the telephone and the connection is set up.
The phone call is automatically terminated by modulation monitoring and time monitoring
or manually by an ending call.
Night mode is an alternative possibility to make a connection from phone to two-way-
radio. As in normal operation all 3 possibilites for making a connection are possible
(automatic connection, direct dialing with DTMF and automatic transfer with direct call).
The only difference between night mode and normal operation is the use of different
registers.Switching from normal operation to night mode is done by a tone sequence from
the radio or by a switching input.
Reg. Function
362 1.-7. digit: night mode:preset digits for tone sequence when direct dialingTel>Radio
362 8. digit: night mode active y/n (1/0)
363 3. digit: night mode: ID-mode of the tone sequence when direct dialing Tel>Radio
363 4. digit: night mode: link tone for double tone sequence
Reg. Function
320-339 tone sequence decoder and corresponding configuration
360 1.-3. digit: T11-55 at connection setup two-way radio to telephone y/n (1/0)
360 1. digit: on starting call + dialing with DTMF
360 2. digit: on speed dial
360 3. digit: on direct dialing with DTMF
For direct dialing with DTMF any telephone number can be dialed. The radio user can
initiate the direct dialing procedure (radio --> telephone) by two different kinds of starting
calls: either by transmitting a tone sequence or by transmitting a sequence of DTMF-tones.
The pause between 2 DTMF-tones must not be longer than 5 seconds.
Both starting call variants can be used alternatively or together. The UELE will acknowledge
the starting call with a key tone if programmed. After the starting call the DTMF-dial tones
which include the telephone number must follow. For this the first DTMF-dial tone has to
Automatic call forwarding with direct call - tel -> radio
Night mode - telephone -> radio
Radio -> telephone
Direct dialing with DTMF - radio -> telephone