Afterwards of receiving a “Connected” message in the Application interface, we can interact with
viscometer and the fields in two ways:
Send button: This button sends the information of the fields entered by the user to the
viscometer. This changes the configuration stored to the new one sent by the application.
Receive button: This button reads the configuration stored in the viscometer memory and
loads it into the application. This information appears on the corresponding field.
After setting al the parameters mentioned in the previous section, the viscometer can be
disconnected from the computer. The viscometer should be ready now to perform the FTP upload,
as long as it is within the reach of the wireless network.
A.3- Using the Wireless Communication
For uploading the measurements made by the viscometer, you must first configure the storage
options (see Section 8.6.1) under the desired specifications and perform any experiment you wish
to upload.
Once it is finished, you must go into the ‘OPTIONS’->’COMUNICATIONS’ and select ‘WIFI’ to start
the file transfer. During this process, the viscometer will present an standby menu on the display:
This will remain until it completes of the file transfer. If the process has been successful, the file
should appear on the FTP server presenting the experiment data and then the viscometer will
return to the main menu.
In case of error,
the instrument will show the following screen:
Under this condition, please make sure the parameters are properly selected and that the wireless
network and the FTP server are properly configured to enable the file transfer and execute the
download again.
For some particular WiFi network conditions, such as temporary overloading, some
loss of data may result during the download. This would lead to downloaded files with
missed recordings. This issue can be solved downloading again the experiment stored in
the memory of the viscometer, at any time before saving a new experiment.