Relay Module
The RM7895A Relay Module is a microprocessor based
integrated burner control for automatically fired gas, oil or
combination fuel single burner applications. The
RM7895A consists of the Relay Module. Subbase,
Amplifier and Purge Card are required to complete the
system. Options include Keyboard Display Module (KDM),
Personal Computer Interface, Data ControlBus™* Module,
Remote Display Module, First-Out Expanded Annunciator
and Combustion System Manager™* Software.
The RM7895A is programmed to provide a level of safety,
functional capability and features beyond the capacity of
conventional controls.
Functions provided by the RM7895A include automatic
burner sequencing, flame supervision, system status
indication, system or self-diagnostics and
• Safety Features
Closed loop logic test.
Dynamic input check.
Dynamic safety relay test.
Dynamic self-check logic.
Internal hardware status monitoring.
Tamper resistant timing and logic.
• Access for external electrical voltage checks.
• Application Flexibility.
• Communication interface capability.
• Dependable, long-term operation provided by
microcomputer technology.
• First-out annunciation and system diagnostics
provided by an optional Keyboard Display Module.
• First-out expanded annunciation with 26 Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for limit and interlocks
• Five LEDs for sequence information.
• Interchangeable plug-in flame amplifiers.
• Local or remote annunciation of RM7895 operation
and fault information.
• Nonvolatile memory; RM7895 retains history files
and sequencing status after loss of power.
• Remote reset (optional).
• Report generation (optional).
• Selectable recycle or lockout on loss of airflow.
• Selectable recycle or lockout on loss of flame.
• Shutter drive output.
Principal Technical Features ........................................................
Safety Provisions ................................................................................
Assembly ................................................................................................ 10
Operation ............................................................................................... 12
Checkout ................................................................................................ 16
Troubleshooting ................................................................................. 21