Preparation for use and operation
Switching the workstation on and off
16 - English
Switching on the workstation for the first time
When you switch on your workstation for the first time the supplied software is set up and
configured. You should plan some time for this, as this process must not be interrupted.
If the workstation is integrated into a network, the user and server details as well as the
network protocol are required. Contact your network administrator or network
administrator if you have any questions about these details.
For initial start-up of Windows NT, the manual "First Steps - Windows NT 4.0 Setup"
provides an overview of the required information. If you have received data from your
network or network administrator, then please enter this data in the spaces provided in
the "First Steps" manual. This simplifies first-time installation.
You may require the Windows licence number during installation. This number is located on a
sticker on your workstation.
Switch your monitor on.
Switch the workstation on with the main switch at the rear of the workstation.
The main switch (1) is in position I.
Switch the workstation on with the ON/OFF switch.
The power-on indicator lights green and the workstation is started.
Adjust the brightness if necessary (see the operating manual for the monitor).
Some variants require you to start the software installation by pressing the function
Once the installation has been started the workstation must not be switched off.
You should only reboot the workstation during installation if you are requested to do so.
Otherwise the installation will be not be performed correctly. If an installation is performed
incorrectly, a complete restoration of the contents of the hard disk supplied by the
manufacturers would then be required.
During installation, follow the instructions on screen.
Consult the operating system manual if there is anything unclear about the requested input data.
Further information about the system, drivers, utilities, updates, manuals etc., is contained
on the "Drivers & Utilities" CD.