Chapter 3 Installing the Driver
This chapter describes how to install the driver for the remote service board.
The driver for the remote service board is included in the following software:
ServerView V03.00 or later
ServerView is stored on the ServerView CD provided with the server unit.
For details on how to install ServerView, refer to the “PRIMERGY Software Guide”
provided with the server unit.
For details on how to use ServerView, refer to the "ServerView User's Guide" in the
ServerView CD-ROM.
The remote service board device driver is included in ServerView, and is
installed automatically when ServerView is installed on the server unit. Be sure
to install ServerView on the server unit to use the remote server board. If
ServerView is already installed, it need not be reinstalled.
With Windows 2000, the hardware detection wizard screen is sometimes
displayed when the OS is booted up. If this happens, perform the following:
When "Welcome to the Found New Hadware Wizard" is displayed, select
When "Completing the Found New Hadware Wizard" is displayed, select