Chapter 5 Trace configuration
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© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
Cycle Accurate
Enables ETM cycle accurate mode. The ETM normally
outputs one trace packet every cycle when trace is enabled.
Often many of these packets contain no useful information
and can be discarded by the trace collection device. When
this option is enabled, no packets will be discarded. This
allows the trace tools to determine the number of cycles
spent executing each instruction, but requires extra space
in the trace buffer.
Use Timestamps
Enables timestamps. When timestamps are enabled,
the trace collection device records a timestamp with
each packet. Timestamps are displayed in the Trace List
and are used by the Profile window, PathAnalyzer, and
Prevent Overflow by Suppressing Data Trace
Enables the ETM FIFOFull mechanism. The amount of
data output by the ETM varies depending on the code being
executed and the trace configuration. Code with a large
number of indirect branches and data accesses (if data
trace is enabled) may generate so much data that the ETM
FIFO overflows. Trace data is lost when this happens. If
this option is enabled, the ETM attempts to prevent FIFO
overflows by using the selected method:
• Suppressing Data Trace — Suppresses data trace
when the FIFO is close to overflowing. This method
is only available with ETMv3.x targets. Suppressing
data trace is less effective at preventing the FIFO from
overflowing than stalling the CPU, but has no impact.