1: Overview
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
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1.3.2 Valid for EMA-MB91FV460B-001
This probe cable can only be used for the following Microcontroller configuration:
1. VDD5 = 5V, VDD35 = 3.3V
The following Microcontroller configurations (2 & 3) are applicable with this probe cable, but
it is recommended to use the appropriate MCU “NLS” probe cable!
2. VDD5 = 5V, VDD35 = 5V
3. VDD5 = 3.3V, VDD35 = 3.3V
While using this probe cable, the GPIO functionality on the external bus interface (VDD35
voltage domain) is restricted!
Unused external bus function pins (e.g. address lines) cannot be configured as general
purpose in- or output randomly!
The following ports can be configured as permanent general purpose input OR output.
5. P07[0..7]
6. P06[0..7]
7. P05[0..7]
It is only possible to configure the whole port as input OR output!
Configuring each pin of these ports separately as input or output is not applicable!
For details on how to configure the port input and output direction please see chapter 3.2
Level-shifter direction control jumper!
The following pins can be configured as permanent general purpose input OR output
8. P08[0..1], P08_4, P08_7, P09[0..3], P10[0..1], P10_3
It is possible to configure the pins each as input OR output! Configuring each pin of these
ports separately as input or output is applicable by removing certain resistors and making
appropriate DIP-Switch settings!
For details on how to configure the pins input and output direction please see chapter 3.3
Bus control jumpers and the corresponding schematics.
The routing of SDINM, SDINP, SDOUTM, SDOUTP to the target board is not possible, so
you have to use the APIX interface on EMA-MB91FV460B-001.
The MCU socket pins 100-103 on your target board will be driven by EMA-MB91FV460B-
001 with 5V and 1.8V respectively (please see schematic). Check if this is a problem for your
target hardware.
Ensure that J200-J205 are set to position 2-3! Otherwise the related signals will be driven by
EMA-MB91FV460B-001 with various voltages (please see schematic)
Set AVCC1 and AVRH1 jumpers on EMA-MB91FV460B-001 so that VDD5 is selected as
source. Otherwise these inputs would be supplied by your target board VDD1.8
Please refer also to Application Note mcu-an-300100-e-vxx-ema_mb91f467s_ls_176-
m07_with_ema_mb91fv460_001 for more information about the limitations and
precautions when using EMA-MB91FV460B-001 together with EMA-MB91F467S-LS-