S e c t i o n T w o
Shorted Batteries
If your Status Indicator panel shows a shorted
battery, check the installation for that battery by
removing and re-installing it. If it still shows
that it is shorted, replace it with a new battery.
The Lithium ion batteries are recharged inter-
nally using the AC adapter or auto/airline
adapter. To recharge the batteries:
Make sure the battery to be charged is
installed in either Multi-function bay of your
notebook and connect the AC or auto/airline
Make sure that the Battery Charging indica-
tor to the left of the Battery Level indicator of
the battery to be charged is visible on the
Status Indicator panel.
Make sure the percentage charge is shown
inside the Battery Level icon. (Figure 2-4
on page 21.)
When two Lithium ion batteries are installed,
the charge/discharge rate of the primary and
optional second Lithium ion batteries are the
same,as they are connected in parallel and are
both charging and/or discharging at the same
time. Since the rates are the same, one may fin-
ish charging or discharging before the other if
they were not at the same charge level when
they were installed and/or the AC or auto/air-
line adapter was connected.
There is no memory effect on the Lithium ion
batteries, which means that you do not need to
discharge them completely before recharging. A
single fully discharged Lithium ion battery will
charge in approximately three (3) hours when
your notebook is Off or in Suspend mode. The
charging time from fully discharged for two
Lithium ion batteries together, is approximately
5 hours when your notebook is Off or in
Suspend mode.Of course partially charged bat-
teries will not take as long to charge. The charge
times will be significantly longer if your note-
book is in use while the batteries are charging
(from approximately nine (9) hours for one
battery to approximately 15 hours for two bat-
teries with normal operating levels).
A shorted battery is damaged and must
be replaced so that it does not damage
anything else.
Recharging the Batteries
If you want to ch eck the con d i ti on of ei t h er the
pri m a ry Lithium ion battery or an opti onal sec-
ond Lithium ion battery, ch eck the Ba t tery Level
i n d i c a tors loc a ted on the Status In d i c a tor panel .
These indicators ch a n ge as the battery level s
ch a n ge . Ba t tery 1 is a Lithium ion battery wh i ch
is install ed in Mu l ti - f u n cti on Bay 1 and Ba t tery
2 is a Lithium ion battery wh i ch is install ed in
Mu l ti - f u n cti on Bay 2. ( Fi g u re 2-3 on pa ge 20.)
You can also ch eck the Power Pa n el too l b a r.
Using heavy current devices such as LAN
cards or frequent CD-ROM accesses may
prevent charging completely.
Summary of Contents for 735Dx
Page 6: ...T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s ...
Page 9: ...LifeB o ok 70 0 Series f rom Fu jit su P r e f a c e ...
Page 172: ...I n d e x ...