S e c t i o n T w o
immediately release it. You can also left click by
a light tap on the touchpad ending with the fin-
ger off the pad,instead of using the button.
(Figure 2-7.)
Do u bl e - cl i cking means fo ll owing the cl i ck i n g
procedu re above , but pressing the poi n ting devi ce
but ton twi ce in rapid su cce s s i on . Do u ble cl i ck
works with ei t h er the left or the ri ght but ton .
Do u ble left cl i cking can be done on the to u ch p ad ,
i n s te ad of using the but ton . It is similar to singl e
l eft cl i cking using the to u ch pad – two light taps
ending with the fin ger of f the pad .
Clicking means pushing and releasing a button.
To left-click move the screen cursor to the item
you wish to select, press the left button once,
and then immediately release it. To right-click,
move the mouse cursor to the item you wish
to select, press the right button once,and then
The interval between taps for double
clicking, and other parameters of pointing
and selecting, can be adjusted with the
selections in the menu of the Mouse icon
in your Wi n d o w s
C o n t rol Panel.
If the interval between clicks is too long,
the double-click will not be executed.
Figure 2-7 Clicking
Pad Clicking
Button Clicking
Figure 2-8 Dragging
Button Dragging
Touchpad-only Dragging
Dragging means selecting an item with the point-
ing cursor, and while keeping the left pointing
device button depressed, moving the cursor to
the desired location,then releasing the button.
(Figure 2-8.) Dragging can also be done on the
touchpad – two light taps ending with your fin-
ger on the pad and then moving your finger.
Summary of Contents for 565Tx
Page 6: ......
Page 7: ...Black White of Cover to come ...
Page 8: ......
Page 9: ...T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s ...
Page 12: ...LifeBook 50 0 Se rie s fr om F u jitsu P r e f a c e ...
Page 170: ...I n d e x ...