A p p e n d i c e s
L i f e B o o k
5 0 0 S e r i e s f r o m F u j i t s u
The smallest element of a display, a dot of color
on your display screen. The more pixels per
area the clearer your image will ap pear.
Power On Self Test.A program which is part
of the BIOS which checks the configuration and
operating condition of your hardware whenever
power is applied to your Computer. Status and
error messages may be displayed before the
operating system is loaded. If failures so serious
that operation can not continue are detected
the operating system will not be loaded.
An integrated set of coded commands to your
computers telling your hardware what to do
and how and when to do it.
series of personal computers which
established a number of standards for connect-
ing external devices such as keyboards and
Random Access Memory. A hardware compo-
nent of your computer that holds binary infor-
mation (both program and data) as long as it
has the proper power applied to it.
RAM Module
A printed circuit card with memory and associ-
ated circuitry which allows the user to add
additional memory to the computer without
special tools.
The act of reloading the operating system.
A reset erases all information stored in RAM.
See Reset.
To proceed after interruption. In your
Computer this refers to returning to active
operation after having been in one of the sus-
pension states.
Read Only Memory. A form of memory in
which information is stored by physically alter-
ing the material.Data stored in this way can not
be changed by your Computer and does not
require power to maintain it.
Sm a ll Com p uter Sys tems In terf ace (pron o u n ced
s c u z z y ) . An Am erican Na ti onal Standards In s ti tute
(ANSI) standard for con n ecting mu l tiple (up to 7)
h i gh speed para ll el devi ces to a com p uter.
Sy n ch ronous Dynamic Ra n dom Access Mem ory.
Serial Port
A connection to another device through which
data is transferred one bit at a time on a single
wire with any other wires only for control of
the device not for transfer of data.
Summary of Contents for 565Tx
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Page 7: ...Black White of Cover to come ...
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Page 9: ...T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s ...
Page 12: ...LifeBook 50 0 Se rie s fr om F u jitsu P r e f a c e ...
Page 170: ...I n d e x ...