700-SDI-RADAR-300W-Man Rev 2 30 May 2022
Part# 21370
currently configured measurement unit. Example: if values measured by the
instrument are expected to be within the range of 700 mm/s to 1500 mm/s, it is
recommended to configure the minimum value to slightly below 700 mm/s (for
example 500 mm/s). Alternatively, if the resolution is not critical, then minimum
value for 4-20 mA output can be left to the instrument minimum of 0 mm/s.
4-20 mA max:
To configure the 4-20 mA output range, the maximum measured value
which will correspond to 20 mA analog output needs to be set. The value is set in the
currently configured measurement unit. Example: if values measured by the
instrument are expected to be within the range of 700 mm/s to 1500 mm/s, it is
recommended to configure the maximum value to slightly above 1500 mm/s (for
example 2000 mm/s). Alternatively, if the resolution is not critical, then minimum
value for 4-20 mA output can be left to the instrument maximum of 15000 mm/s.