700-SDI-RADAR-300W-Man Rev 2 30 May 2022
Part# 21370
Modbus Settings:
Configures the parity and number of stop bits used in
communication. Parity is used in serial communication for basic error detection.
When parity is set to none, no parity is used, and no error detection is possible on bit
level. When parity is set to odd parity, an additional bit is added to the
communication that will be set to 1 when there is odd number of bits with value 1 in
the 8-bit payload byte. Similarly, when parity is set to even parity, an additional bit is
added to the communication that will be set to 1 when there is even number of bits
with value 1 in the 8-bit payload byte. In general, all bytes on the receiver side where
the parity bit is not matching the message will be discarded. Default setting on most
devices that use Modbus is even parity. Stop bits are added to the end of each data
byte transferred over serial communication, to allow pause between two bytes. The
default setting is even parity and one stop bit.
Warm Up Time:
The time after sensor power-up, during which all measurements are
ignored. This time is used to settle auto-gain parameters, Kalman filter values,
averaging filter, and all other operational parameters. It is recommended to set this
value to a minimum of 5 seconds. In extreme cases where a quick response after unit
power-up is required, 3 seconds can be used, with a possibility of losing
measurement accuracy.
4-20 mA Output:
This parameter is used to select the value that will be presented on the
4 – 20 mA output. When velocity is selected the output current will be proportional to
the measured velocity. When none is selected 4 - 20 mA output will be disabled.
4-20 mA min:
To configure the 4-20 mA output range, the minimum measured value
which will correspond to 4 mA analog output needs to be set. The value is set in the