Part 3: Quick Start and Setup
Now that you have set up your laser and accessories and have installed the control software,
the next step is to ensure that your laser is working properly. The tube test and mirror
alignment procedures should take less than 30 minutes and will ensure that your laser is
performing optimally. Your laser’s main power is controlled by the twist-release switch on the
top of the case.
The first thing we are going to verify is that your laser tube did not crack during shipping. This
should take less than 2 minutes. The second test will check the mirror alignment and if
necessary, adjust the mirrors so they are once again aligned. The laser’s mirrors are aligned
during assembly at our location, however shipping subjects the laser system to a great deal of
vibration which can cause the mirrors to vibrate slightly out of alignment.
These tests require the following tools and materials:
Scissors or small wire cutters (for removing axis zip ties).
Thermal paper. This is the same paper that receipts are printed on. Used receipts
Masking/painters tape. For taping the thermal paper to mirrors and apertures.
Before we begin testing the laser, we need to free the motion system from its shipping
restraints and remove the accessories from the work area. The accessories are zip-tied to the
front beam attenuator—cut the zip tie and remove the accessories. The motion system is
restrained by 3 zip ties: one on the X axis drive belt and two on each Y axis drive belt. Carefully
cut the zip ties, avoiding damage to the drive belts.