When the Falcon Global has connected to the GSM network, it
will display the network priority of the network it is connected
to and the signal strength of the connection.
If an adequate signal strength is not obtained:
Move the Falcon Global to a more suitable location
Fit the Falcon Global with a higher gain antenna
When the Falcon Global has powered up, it will start connecting
to the network, displaying its status as it initialises and connects
(see section 3.5 – Indicators and Controls)
Falcon Global Installation and Operation Manual
Connected on network with priority 1;
signal strength 6
The minimum signal strength required
for good remote connectivity is 5.
3.4 Selecting the Alarm Panel Serial Port Format
The alarm panel serial port can be selected via the onboard
push-button (as well as the PC-based programming software).
The following serial port formats are available:
Rhino 816 and Rhino 68 alarm panels