Countdown time, countdown calorie and countdown distance can only be set up for one of
them. The last time setting will be implemented. The parameter set will be counted
backwards while other parameters will be counted forwards.
The standard calorie is about 70.3kcal/km.
The acceleration is 0.5Km/S and the deceleration is 0.5Km/S.
MP3 music audio amplification, input from the enter hole by the side.
In the process the un-set parameter will be up cumulative, the display clear when up to the
max range; in the manual mode when the time accumulation excess 99:59(100min) the
treadmill stops.
“Lubrication” reminder: After every 300KM, the screen will show icon. In standby
mode, remove the safety key then hold the “STOP” button simultaneously till buzz sounds,
this will cancel this reminder. 300KMs later, the loop runs again.
Error message codes
Potential reasons
Safe lock falls
1. Place back the safe lock;
2. Replace safe lock switch or magnetic sensor in the electronic meter; if
the problem still fails to be solved, replace the electronic meter;
After power on, the
electronic meter dis-
plays E01
1. Check whether the connecting joint between the electronic meter and
the core wire of the controller is loose; whether wires are damaged;
whether the core wires are in correct connecting order.
2. The controller may be defective. Check and replace a good one.
3. The electronic controller’s IC may not be plugged to the place. Check
and ensure good plugging.
4. The transformer may be damaged. Check and replace a good one.
protection or motor
1. Check whether the power supply voltage is less than 50% of the nor-
mal value; please ensure correct voltage and test again;
2. Check whether motor wires are well connected; re-connect motor
wires, or, if the problem still fails to be solved, replace the motor;
3. Check whether there is peculiar odor generated by the controller; if
yes, it means that IGBT has been broken down to cause short circuit;
then, replace the controller.
No sensory signal
1. Check whether the photoelectric sensor directs to the hole on CD;
check whether wires of photoelectric sensor are damaged and
whether terminals of the photoelectric sensor and speed terminals on
the controller are firmly connected.
Over-current protec-
1. It may be the system’s self-protection against excessive current when
the load exceeds the rated value; restart the machine;
2. Some part of the treadmill is jammed so that the motor cannot rotate,
thus triggering the self-protection of the system against excessive
current under excessive load; adjust the treadmill and restart it or add
3. Check whether there is over-current sound or burning odor when the
motor is running; replace the motor;
4. Check whether the controller emits the odor of burning; if yes, replace
the controller.
No display on the
electronic meter
The controller is not
powered on or is
1. Firstly, check whether the over-load protector has tripped off; if yes,
press it;
2. Check the power supply switch, over-load protector and the control-
ler’s power cord and transformer to ensure well connection;
3. Check whether the power cords from the electronic meter to the con-
troller are well collected; dismantle the pillar to check connecting joints
on each section of the wiring from the electronic meter to the control-
ler; ensure that each wire core is well connected; or the reason may
be the communication power cord defect (damaged or broke down); in
such case, re-connect or replace wires.
4. The transformer is damaged; replace the transformer