– 26. Note: Gang bars deleted for clarity.
27. Install lights on the rear gang scraper
bar and within 16” of the outside extents
of the disk width.
28. Install the light kit module. Run the
cables between the lights and the
module as per the tags on the module
pigtails indicating right hand and left
hand. Run the single cable from the
module to the front of the disk.
Plug the light connector into the tractor receptacle and check for proper operation.
Install the safety chain on the front of the hitch.
Install the hose holder on hitch and clamp the hoses to the holder.
If not already attached, hitch the disk to the tractor. Couple the hydraulic hoses to the tractor.
Charge the hydraulic cylinder. It will be necessary to hold the hydraulic control open for a minute or
two in order to completely fill the cylinder and extend the cylinder rod enough to remove the transport
stay. Remove the transport stay and lift the disk up and down a number of times to purge the system
of air and reveal any leaks. Replace the fluid removed from the tractor hydraulic system.
Check all the safety decals are present and undamaged.