Transporting the Disk
□ Clean both quick disconnects and tractor couplers before connecting. Shut
off the tractor engine and move the hydraulic levers back and forth to
relieve pressure in the hydraulic system. Connect the hydraulics hoses to
the tractor hydraulic couplers. For ease of use it is recommended the
hoses be attached in the order which lowers the disk when the hydraulic
lever is pushed forward and raises it when the lever is pulled back.
CAUTION: Escaping fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin causing serious injury. Avoid
this hazard by relieving the pressure before disconnecting hydraulic or other lines. Tighten all
the connections before applying pressure. Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard. Protect
hands and body from high pressure fluids.
If an accident occurs, see a doctor immediately. Any fluid injected into the skin must be surgically
removed within a few hours or gangrene may result.
□ Turn jack handle to take weight off hitch jack. Unpin jack, remove pin, swing jack up into
transport (i.e. horizontal) position and re-pin.
□ If the tractor is equipped with a swinging drawbar. Make sure the drawbar is locked in the center
□ Connect warning lights to the tractor outlet and make sure they are functioning properly. Make
sure the SMV sign is installed and visible from the rear of the machine.
□ Check tire pressure and adjust if necessary.
Adjusting the Transport Levelling Control Arm
With the disk attached to the tractor, the hydraulics
connected and with the transport stay removed from
the hydraulic cylinder; the machine can be adjusted to
transport level as in illustration A. The adjustment is
carried out by turning the nut indicated in the
illustration. When the disk is raised out of the ground
in the transport position, there is a significant amount
of pressure against this nut. Therefore, to make the
adjustment easier, lower the disk to the ground to take
the pressure off the nut. The nut can then be turned
easily by hand or with a large adjustable wrench. To
tilt the disk forward as in illustration B, turn in the
direction indicated as B. To tilt the disk back as in
illustration C, turn in the direction indicated as C. It may be necessary to raise and lower the disk a
number of times to attain the desired result. Once the disk is level, lock the nut in position with the
second nut on the eyebolt shaft. This adjustment remains unchanged as long as there is no change
in the hitch height of the tractor.
WARNING: To avoid serious injury to self or to others, do not allow anybody on or near the
disk when it is being raised or lowered. In particular, if someone other than the tractor operator is
making adjustments to the disk, the tractor should be switched off while the adjustments are being
made and only restarted when that person is well clear of the disk.