5 | Parameters overview
B0640421_en | Operating instructions Control Panel RBG 3200
From which temperature at storage tank top should the overheating protection be
If the temperature at top storage tank exceeds the set value, the heating circuit is activated
regardless of mode (boiler, remote control) and set heating times. The flow temperature is
controlled to the value set in the parameter “
Flow temperature SP at outside air
temperature of -10°C
”. The function will remain active until the value falls below 2°C.
The overheating protection should be assigned to a high temperature
heating circuit (e.g. radiators).
5.1.3 Heating - Times
Basic display
Heating circuit 1
5.2 Water
5.2.1 Water - Status
Basic display
DHW tank top temperature
Current temperature of the DHW tank. If the time window for DHW tank loading is reached and
the temperature falls below the value set under parameter “
Reload if DHW tank
temperature is below
“, the DHW tank will be loaded. The DHW tank is loaded either until
the time window has elapsed or the temperature set under “
Desired DHW tank
“ has been reached.
DHW tank bottom temperature
Solar panel system is regulated by Froling!
Current temperature in the area of the reference sensor of the solar panel system.
DHW tank pump control
Specifies the speed of the DHW tank pump as a percentage of maximum speed.