Fritz Wilhelm,
Setup Instructions – Hub & Spoke Round Pavilon
Hanging the Walls
1. Loop the wall loops over the toggles in the roof.
(“fun-sized” people, set your step-stool in one
spot and rotate the tent)
2. Close the doors. If you don't toggle the doors
closed now, you will probably stake the walls
down such that you can't close the doors later.
3. Stake down the walls.
1. Start by skipping every other stake (skipping three works even better).
2. Only drive the stakes in part way. (you may want to adjust them later)
3. Step back and take a look.
1. Is the tent pulled out evenly all around?
2. Is the pole more or less vertical and the
walls the same distance from the ground
all around?
4. Adjust stakes as necessary.
5. Add remaining stakes. You want a moderate
amount of tension along the bottom edge of
the wall; not floppy, but not taut either.
6. Drive all the wall stakes down to the ground.
7. Drop any set-up lines that might be a trip hazard. (The walls will hold the tent up.)
8. Open the doors, move in, and enjoy.
©2012 Gene Eisele
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