Die Wurzeln und Staudenselerien abreiben und die Spitze entfernen. Brunnenkresse reinigen. Die
Ingredienze zusammen entsaften und in einem Glass umgiessen.
Für mehr herrliche Rezepte, Sehen Sie
1 grapefruit / 2 oranges / 1 pineapple / 100 ml coconut milk
Peel all the fruit and slice into pieces. Then add to the juice extractor with the coconut milk. (2 p)
2 peaches / 1 orange / 1 cs grenadine / ½ lemon / 100 ml champagne / ice cubes
Peel all the fruit, slice into pieces and squeeze it in the juice extractor. Pour over into a glass and add
grenadine, champagne and ice cubes. (2 p)
Morning kick
2 oranges / ¼ yellow melon / ¼ pineapple / 1 kiwi
Peel all the fruit, slice into pieces and squeeze it in the juice extractor. Pour over into a glass.
2 carrots / ½ cucumber / 2 blanched selery / ½ red beet
Clean carrots and blanched selery and remove the tips. Clean the red beet and remove the fibrous
underside. Slice the cucumber into pieces. First juice the red beet, then the carrot, blanched selery and
cucumber. Poor over into a glass.
Perfect for lunch
¼ water melon / 2 limes / clear honey / ice-cooled water to dilute
Peel all the fruit, slice into pieces and squeeze it in the juice extractor. Dilute it with the ice-cooled water
and honey.
Perfect for diner
3 large tomatoes / ½ lettuce /a piece of cucumber of 5 cm / a handful of parsley / ½ lemon
Slice everything into pieces and squeeze one after the other.
2 carrots / 2 blanched selery / a handful of watercress
Clean the carrots and the blanched selery and remove the tips. Wash the watercress. Juice all the
ingredients together and pour over into a glass.
For more delicious recipes, surf to
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