709011b (Replaces 709011A)
Table 9. module wiring Troubleshooting
miswired module indication
Recommended Troubleshooting action
Green LED is not on, module does not
power up
Determine if both R & c module terminals are connected.
Verify voltage is present at module’s R & c terminals.
Green LED intermittent, module powers
up only when compressor runs
Determine if R & Y terminals are wired in reverse.
• Verify modules R and C terminals have a constant source.
Trip LED is on, but system and
compressor check OK
Verify Y terminal is connected to 24VAC at contactor coil.
Verify voltage at contactor coil falls below 0.5VAC when off.
Verify 24VAC is present across Y & c when thermostat demand
signal is present. If not, R & c are reversed wired.
TRIP LED and ALERT LED flashing
Verify R and c terminals are supplied with 19 - 28VAC.
ALERT Flash CODE 3 displayed
incorrectly (Compressor short cycling)
Verify Y terminal is connected to 24VAC at contactor coil.
Verify voltage at contactor coil falls below 0.5VAC when off.
ALERT Flash Code 5, 6, or 7 displayed
incorrectly (Open Circuit, Open Start
Circuit or Open Run Circuit)
Verify the compressor run and start wires are routed through the
module’s current sensing holes.
Verify the Y terminal is connected to 24VAC at contactor coil.
Verify voltage at contactor coil falls below 0.5VAC when off.
ALERT Flash Code 6 (Open Start Circuit)
displayed for Code 7 (Open Run Circuit)
or vice-versa
Verify the compressor run and start wires are routed through the
correct module sensing holes.
ALERT Flash Code 8 displayed incorrectly
(Welded Contactor)
Determine if module’s Y terminal is connected.
Verify Y terminal is connected to 24VAC at contactor coil.
Verify 24VAC is present across Y & c when thermostat demand
signal is present. If not, R and c are reversed wired.
Verify voltage at contactor coil falls below 0.5VAC when off.
Review Thermostat Demand Wiring (page 10) for Y & c wiring.
Specifications & illustrations subject to change without notice or incurring obligations.
O’ Fallon, MO | Printed in U.S.A. (06/11)