2) Press and hold down the test
button on Smoke Alarm.
T h e S m o k e A l a r m s i r e n
should activate.
3) The Interface Module should be
triggered immediately after the
smoke alarm starts sounding.
The indicator LED on the
Interface should illuminate for
approximately 1 second to
show a signal has been sent to
the alarm Control Panel.
The Control Panel should beep
and indicate a FIRE signal
on the LEDs or Display.
After the Smoke Alarm stops
sounding the Interface Module
requires a 3s period to reset before
it can be retriggered again.
T h e b a t t e r i e s i n t h e I n t e r f a c e
Module should be changed after
1 y e a r o r a s s o o n a s t h e L o w
Battery signal operates.
T h e I n t e r f a c e M o d u l e m a y b e
cleaned using a soft damp cloth.
Do not use abrasive, solvent based
or aerosol cleaners. Do not attempt
to clean inside the unit or allow
water to enter the unit.
Under normal operating conditions
the batteries in the Interface Module
will last approximately 1 year. A
built in battery monitoring facility
will indicate when the batteries
require replacing.
The low battery warning for the
Interface Module is...
a) The Indicator LED on the
Interface Module will flash
b) A “Magnetic Contact Detector -
Low Battery” signal will be
indicated on Control Panel.
Remember to put
t h e a l a r m s y s t e m b a c k i n t o
Standby after the test.
When a low battery condition is
indicated the batteries should be
replaced as soon as possible with
two new batteries of the following
2 x 3V CR2032 Lithium
Coin Cells
Wirefree Alarm Interface Module